1. The controller
Company: Valoe Oyj
Business ID: 0749606-1
Adress: Insinöörinkatu 5
Postcode: FI-50150
Mobile: +358 20 7747 788
E-mail address: info@valoe.com
2. Registrar
Company: Valoe Oyj
Name: Minna Wilkman
Adress: Insinöörinkatu 5
Postcode: FI-50150
Mobile: +358 20 7747 788
E-mail address: info@valoe.com
3. Data Protection Officer
Company: Valoe Oyj
Name: Teemu Pulkkinen
Adress: Insinöörinkatu 5
Postcode: FI-50150
Mobile: +358 20 7747 788
E-mail address: info@valoe.com
4. The purpose of the register
The personal data collected will be used:
Recognition of a customer and license management. The registry is used for producing services for customers and partners. The registry data is also used for marketing and dissemination targeting companies and persons. The data will not be shared with a third party. Anonymous usage data is used for research and statistics.
The registry is also used for project management, processing recruiting applications and other data received from web forms applicable for our operations.
5. Basis for collecting and processing the data
The data is collected and processed only pursuant to the customer's consent or in order to fulfill the agreement made with the customer.
6. Dataset of the register
Name, e-mail address, language.
7. The data retention period
Registry data is stored on a usage basis, archiving is not in use. The data is stored for the period for which the data is needed for the registry. Any expired data is deleted manually.
8. Registry data sources
The data is received directly from customers: companies, organisations and private persons. Additionally, public databases may be used as a source.
9. Regular supplying of information and transmission of information within the EU or outside the European Economic Area
Personal data will not be shared with third parties otherwise than permitted by current legislation. The data is stored in both EU/ETA server facilities as well as facilities outside the EU/ETA region.
10. Cookies policy
We track our website usage and visitors with the help of browsers cookies. Cookies are small text files which are saved to your computer or other devices when you visit a website. On subsequent visits, they are sent back to the website or another site which will recognize the cookies.
Cookies are used for measuring different usage aspects on our website (for instance which pages are opened most often, possible error messages etc.). They help us to constantly improve our webpage content. These cookies do not track or save any personal details, they are anonymous and are only used for technical monitoring and debugging purposes. Cookies do not damage your computer nor your files.
In case you want to disable cookies completely in your browser, most browsers enable turning off the cookies. This is often possible from your browser settings. Still, it is important to consider that cookies might be necessary for correct functioning for some webpages and services.
11. Registry protection
All data in the registry is used only by Valoe Oyj. No social security numbers (or similar details) are stored. Servers are located in high-security facilities with no unauthorized access. Register data is regularly backed up.
12. Automated decision-making
Automated individual decisions (EU’s Data Protection Regulation Article 22) are not done.
13. Right of the data subject
Persons have the right to inspect, correct or remove their stored data by request. The registry does not have classified person data. Person data is usually validated when entered (either through public databases or other public sources) or periodically. Companies or persons can request correcting their data by request to the register
The request will be replied to as soon as possible and then carried out. The registry does not include data for which these requests cannot be carried out. The right of access is free when requested at maximum once a month.
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